hey there
here there is not a flextype... sorry..
i just got to the place where i am gonna work. there are bulgarians who listen to pop-folk, american punks (yeah!). they say i need to know spanish, not english - damn mexicans!
the flight was trough paris. when i got in new york i went crazy - i was in a movie :) i spoke to every black man i saw :)) at night we cought the subway and went to for a walk. amazing..
the flight to LA was terrible. i had problems with my ear..
there is a lot to tell, but they hate me 'cos i use the pc, so.. see ya later
i just got to the place where i am gonna work. there are bulgarians who listen to pop-folk, american punks (yeah!). they say i need to know spanish, not english - damn mexicans!
the flight was trough paris. when i got in new york i went crazy - i was in a movie :) i spoke to every black man i saw :)) at night we cought the subway and went to for a walk. amazing..
the flight to LA was terrible. i had problems with my ear..
there is a lot to tell, but they hate me 'cos i use the pc, so.. see ya later
At 10:54 пр.об.,
Анонимен said…
:) ti kwo otide tam i zabrawi rodna re4? glad to hear u'r there and havin' fun!
At 12:17 сл.об.,
Foxe aka Elitsa Ganeva said…
eто, този линк може да ти върши работа, докато те няма
At 2:35 сл.об.,
nickolette said…
shte go izpolzwam za sledwashtiq post. 10x!!
za sega e super, no moje bi shtoto ne sym pochnala rabota oshte ;) a imalo dosta. momchetata tuka samo me plashat za pytq - na rabota se hodi s kolelo a temperaturite sa 50 gradusa celzii! myka :)
oshte ne sym pristignala i se zapoznah s mestni MC-ta, koito mi iskaha 5$ za albuma si. kazah im che pyrwo shte gi widim life i togawa :Pp
w new york pyk naprimer w metroto edin "cheren chowek" taka se razpq i to tolkowa tyjna pesen..
za Greyhound cql otdelen post mi trqbwa.. imashe lud chowek w laina, edno momichence se izpika w dynkite si do men..ludnica! ili real life..
btw mevduwremenno cheta On the Road na Kerouak i filma e pylen.
At 6:22 сл.об.,
Foxe aka Elitsa Ganeva said…
Ники, ще станеш битничка и ти :) []
да си носиш хавлия и вода...ако успея ще ти пратя и баничка със сирене :P
At 11:35 пр.об.,
chinchillah said…
brawo brawo :D radwam se che neshtata sa prilichni :P
At 10:29 пр.об.,
Анонимен said…
ето ти изненада!
аз те търсих да ти връщам книгите,
ти къде се оказа;
ще ги пазя до на есен,
а до тогава и ти да се пазиш там;
At 3:06 пр.об.,
Анонимен said…
ujasno me draznqt teh mexico guys. ne vijdam neshto po-absurdno ot tov prosto da prekrachish granicata i veche da si u.s. citizen bez pasport i s ediniq ispanski v ustata
At 9:19 сл.об.,
nickolette said…
che i nikwi opiti ne prawqt da se nauchat na angliiski..
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