as concerns style and fashion i've discovered i have the talent for predicting what is gonna be on the streets next season, what is gonna be adopted in the bulgarian market and what the girls are gonna look like.
as concerns ideas i've never managed to distinguish what the tendency is. the results of the elections always surprise me, i can never tell who is gonna be kicked out of bigbrother,.. another silly but significant example is that i've always thought nacizm and other absurd movements aren't up-to-date and people now are interested in human rights, globalization and so on. goofy me!
the day before in class, we had a heated discussion on death sentence. i couldn't believe my ears! nealry all of my fellow-students supported the idea that abrogation of the death sentence was a mistake (they are also on the opinion that drug-addicts are criminals - another issue). they think they have the moral right to kill a man; explain why being under death sentence is good for society. and these people are going into the legal proffesion - judges, lawyers, public prosecuters, even legislators! people with power..
i've always been afraid of radicals, extremists and primitives. i am afraid of my mates!..
as concerns ideas i've never managed to distinguish what the tendency is. the results of the elections always surprise me, i can never tell who is gonna be kicked out of bigbrother,.. another silly but significant example is that i've always thought nacizm and other absurd movements aren't up-to-date and people now are interested in human rights, globalization and so on. goofy me!
the day before in class, we had a heated discussion on death sentence. i couldn't believe my ears! nealry all of my fellow-students supported the idea that abrogation of the death sentence was a mistake (they are also on the opinion that drug-addicts are criminals - another issue). they think they have the moral right to kill a man; explain why being under death sentence is good for society. and these people are going into the legal proffesion - judges, lawyers, public prosecuters, even legislators! people with power..
i've always been afraid of radicals, extremists and primitives. i am afraid of my mates!..
At 5:23 сл.об.,
rės said…
get used to it. most of your fellow students would study law only because of power, and only to prove the saying that law is like art - large percentage of failures, many imitators, and occasional grains of masterpiece.
At 8:10 сл.об.,
nickolette said…
пия за това ние да творим шедъоврите! макар че едва ли става с пиене.. :)
някъде през Средновековието по българското обичайно право нали са се прилагали членовредителните наказания(??май така им викаха) - крадеш -> режат ти ръцете; изнасилваш -> режат ти носа (тук е дискусионно дали наистина носа са имали предвид..).
след смъртното наказание, предлагам да върнем и тях - безкрайно ефективни са, а и съм сигурна, че идеята ще бъде прегърната с ентусиазъм...
At 8:37 пр.об.,
rės said…
лошо няма, натам сме тръгнали, както върнахме принципите на инквизиционния процес (виновен наркодилър до доказване на противното).
At 1:02 сл.об.,
nickolette said…
мисля си, обаче, че е добре да се общува с всякакви хора.. но и трябва да се пазиш да не прихванеш! :))
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