that's us - all the bulgarians in the hotel. the girl in the blue shirt (top left) is Galina. she cooks for us and we all love her. the blond one is Marina. the dude in front is Nikolai (the one that thought me how to play blackjack and helped me win). his bother is right behind him. he is not only good looking, but also smart and extremely intelligent. number 63 is Momchil. he takes care of everything. and me and my tits. (tei i tei sym pochnala sys zadnika, pone wsichko da si pokaja.)
Етикети: personal, summer, travel, USA, work
At 2:27 пр.об.,
Анонимен said…
Dear blogger,
why don't you blog in bulgarian?
I know it is YOUR blog and that you will do what ever you want to but...
we all see how hard it is for you to express yourself in english.
I would kindly advise you to write in bulgarian.
At 9:27 пр.об.,
nickolette said…
kak shto.. mi shtoto ako e na bylgarski shte e s latinica i pak e shibano.
no ako predpochitate..
At 11:10 пр.об.,
Bruce Wayne said…
пиши си както ти е удобно и да не ти пука от анонимни лайнари с по-развит английски!
At 3:42 сл.об.,
silvia baz said…
нали за да си подобриш английския трябва да го използваш. важното е да се разбира за кво става въпрос :)
At 5:36 сл.об.,
Анонимен said…
pishi na angliiski, taka e po-interesno...and show more T&A :))
At 12:57 сл.об.,
Анонимен said…
brei brei/// ubavi
At 11:22 сл.об.,
Анонимен said…
suck my ass, mikcname!
At 1:18 сл.об.,
Bruce Wayne said…
вземи се регистрирай, бастун :D :D :D ор ю дон'т Кноу как се прави :)
At 10:00 пр.об.,
Анонимен said…
anglijskia na anglichanite, imash si ezik - izpolzwaj go
At 6:39 пр.об.,
nickolette said…
ei golemi ste rybowe :P
At 6:59 сл.об.,
Foxe aka Elitsa Ganeva said…
Don't you look at me so smug
And say I'm going bad.
Who are you to judge me
And the life that I live?
I know that I'm not perfect
And that I don't claim to be.
So before you point your fingers,
Be sure your hands are clean.
Judge not
Before you judge yourself.
Judge not
If you're not ready for judgement. Woah oh oh!
The road of life is rocking
And you may stumble too.
So while you talk about me,
someone else is judging you.
(Saxophone solo)
Judge not
Before you judge yourself.
Judge not
If you're not ready for judgement. Woah oh oh!
The road of life is rocky
And you may stumble too.
So while you talk about me
Someone else is judging you,
Someone else is judging you,
Someone else is judging you,
Someone else is judging you,
Someone else is judging you.
Bob Marley
At 6:01 сл.об.,
nickolette said…
that's right girl :) 10x
At 1:53 пр.об.,
Анонимен said…
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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