Hello My Name Is


неделя, септември 10, 2006

carlton livingston

those three days in san diego were totally insane. starting with andy warhol's exhibition, and the museum of photographic arts in balboa park, then the beach (i saw dolphins!!), to end with that awesome reggae concert.
it wasn't that different from the parties we throw in bulgaria, except for the vibe, that feeling that whatever was happening there was real. being surrounded by rastas was almost a divine experience. when carlton livingston showed up.. oh my goodness! he just said "here i staaAAaAand.." and the crowd exploded. never in my whole life i have imagined i'll listen to "police in helicopter in search for marihuana..." life! ever. and the hymn "100 weight of collie weed"! increadible atmosphere, music and people.
thank Jah for that night!

Етикети: , , , , ,


  • At 12:27 сл.об., Blogger chinchillah said…

    shti kaja az awesome :P tuj e naj gadnata duma sig w amerikanskiq ezik..

    inak za jah - thanks and praise sao :D
    apyk za vibe-a dano leka poleka go dokarame.. sega shte probwame edno party da throw-nem na nasha zemq.. stiskaj zadokeanski palci :) more info posle..

  • At 6:44 пр.об., Blogger nickolette said…

    mnogo e wyrwejna walıo. wyrwı s 'dude' - awesome dude
    dude that's awesome
    ih kak shte go otyrwa twa parti weeee

  • At 3:59 пр.об., Anonymous Анонимен said…

    oh ma goddd , so cool for u nicky , hope u get more fun ...... from khaled bambozoo ...

  • At 11:24 пр.об., Blogger chinchillah said…

    awe q go propusnesh q ne..
    che oshte ne sme se organizirali napylno..

  • At 8:17 сл.об., Blogger nickolette said…

    a taka - lekapoleka :) do noemwri da se oteche idealno ;)p

  • At 9:48 пр.об., Blogger chinchillah said…

    1.11. dobre li e :P

    she trqa i krumping da pokajesh obache..


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