Hello My Name Is


вторник, декември 06, 2005


that is an exploited theme and yet there is much to say...
when you spend money on technics, or sports equipment, or anything, that determines how you are gonna spend your time, therefore - the way of thinking. that is how things work in a consumers' society. of course the quality of your belongings is of extreme importance (watch the brands!). food, drinks, clubs, ... other people's attitude towards you changes according to how expensive you look. if they treat you well, as if you are something extraordinary, you may believe them. DON'T!
nowadays moneyless
people but then with style are rarity, which leads me to the main question - определя ли битието съзнанието?
that could never be true to the artistic souls. God bless them! there is only one thing for the rest of us - to become wealthy patrons of hte arts.



  • At 8:08 сл.об., Anonymous Анонимен said…

    определя ли битието съзнанието?that could never be true to the artistic souls.

    I might slightly disagree with that. Tozi vupros razbirase se ima mnogo filosofski variacii, no faktite ne lujat. Horata se rajdame kato edna prazna gramofonna plocha, i sus techenie na vremeto malkite kanalcheta se izpulvat v zavisimost na nasheto bitie. Tova e chisto biologicheski fakt. E razbira se izkluchvat zakodiranite tam refleksi i instinkti, a i tqhnata definiciq ne oznachava che sa osmisleni procesi. Ta taka razbira se che bitieto opredelq nasheto suznanie dori i podsuznatelno tova da stana. I bitieto na artistite sushto opredelq tehnite art proqvi.



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