Hello My Name Is


вторник, юни 27, 2006

the crib

that' s the house we live in. the vacuum cleaner is not there on purpose. when i took the picture my brain was frying in the sun. 50 fucking degrees Celsius. and it's gonna get hotter.
down u see the neighbourhood. and the vacuum cleaner..

in da house

this is where the bitches sleep. the three of us. it is always messy. we r professional house keepers. we don’t clean for free.

last night Ricardo kicked it in. he is the don we all listen to. we work together. he was born in the USA but is Mexican.

on our way to work. that' s what the nature looks like. i don't know how far it is. it takes me 40 minutes. the guys get there for an hour and a half! muhahahahaaa

at least we are not alone...

Етикети: , , ,

петък, юни 23, 2006


that's us - all the bulgarians in the hotel. the girl in the blue shirt (top left) is Galina. she cooks for us and we all love her. the blond one is Marina. the dude in front is Nikolai (the one that thought me how to play blackjack and helped me win). his bother is right behind him. he is not only good looking, but also smart and extremely intelligent. number 63 is Momchil. he takes care of everything. and me and my tits. (tei i tei sym pochnala sys zadnika, pone wsichko da si pokaja.)

Етикети: , , , ,

сряда, юни 21, 2006

my ass hanging out

while doing my laundry
i didn't really know it looks like that..

Етикети: , , ,

четвъртък, юни 15, 2006

Marina lending glamour

Етикети: ,

сряда, юни 14, 2006

here we r

first night. we've just arrived. that's our kitchen. look at the punks' pants - it's Mr. Proper.
the pictures below we made 2 nights ago. we drank/ate jellyshots (with vodka). all evening long we gave toasts to my termination. i do my job really slow (i told them i care about the quality, but they need speed..). i have to clean 14 rooms per day. yesterday i did 8 and stayed an hour and a half after the workday was over. i run round the beds and still cannot do it.

these are Mat and Pat. they work at the same hotel and live next to us. 10k God they are here. once i told Pat i thought punk was dead and he replyed "there are things that may be dead to u and alive and well to somebody else". ne se zablujdawaite - ne e tolkowa mydyr. dosta sa infantilni daje.
Mat is half black, which i find quite amusing :) u just have to see his hair. it's long, believe me.

when they don't want us to understand them, they speak real fast and use slang. Pat knows movie lines by heart. sometimes they make fun of us and make us tell dirty words (tips - tits, forepay - foreplay, ...).

i am sharing a room with a girl (she is one of the most cosmopolitan bulgarians i've met - half russian, has turkish boyfriend,.. worked as a nurse in Italy,.. ), it is hers camera and she took most of the pictures. i'll upload her pic later. there is a turkish who joined us recently and we are expecting one more girl.

Етикети: , , , ,

понеделник, юни 12, 2006

почнa сa

Гaни, приятелко! doidoh na twoita...
work sucks, u know...

Етикети: , , ,

петък, юни 09, 2006

hey there

here there is not a flextype... sorry..

i just got to the place where i am gonna work. there are bulgarians who listen to pop-folk, american punks (yeah!). they say i need to know spanish, not english - damn mexicans!

the flight was trough paris. when i got in new york i went crazy - i was in a movie :) i spoke to every black man i saw :)) at night we cought the subway and went to for a walk. amazing..

the flight to LA was terrible. i had problems with my ear..

there is a lot to tell, but they hate me 'cos i use the pc, so.. see ya later

Етикети: , , ,

вторник, юни 06, 2006

и сам войнът е войн


неделя, юни 04, 2006

On the Road

Етикети: , ,

петък, юни 02, 2006

i'm goin'

my dear friends,
току-що взех виза и следващата седмица заминавам.
знам, знам, че ще ви липсвам, така както вие ще липсвате на мен - не много... за вас един блог по-малко, а аз съм в такава истерия, че за нищо не мога да мисля. пътувам съвсем сама, трябва да сменя три самолета, да си мъкна багажа, да намеря през нощта хостел в НюЙорк. на сутринта трябва да се добера до друго летище и ако успея след пет часа би трябвало да съм в ЛосАнжелис. оттам едни врътки пак и евентуално в 11 вечерта да съм в ПалмСпрингс, където да ме чакат, че да ме заведат на мястото. пфу.. изморявам се само при мисълта.

къде отивам всъщност?
California - най-гъсто населения щат. някога осеян с индианци (native americans), сега те представляват 0, 5 % от цялото население. идват европейците и става мазало. знаете историята. в СА се случва и златната треска. романтичен период или поне аз така го възприемам. започнала от слух (развален телефон) и продължила 10 години, през което време огромни маси хора (разбирай мъже) мигрират в търсене на лесни пари. добих по-ясна представа що за хора са калифорнийци от следната история: тъй като много от gold digger-ите тръгвали неподготвени за жегите и сушата, някои по-далновидни бизнесмени се възползвали от положението и започнали да карат бидони с вода, за която изтощените плащали по долар, пет, а понякога се стигало и до сто долара за чаша. "ти нямаш сърцеее.."

същия щат, в който губернатор не се посвени да екзекутира невинен човек. но това е друга и дълга история.

градчето, в което съм аз, ако дай боже стигна, се нарича Indian Wells. "It has the highest proportion of millionaires of any city in the United States" - пише в Wikipedia. там се провеждат турнири от Големия шлем. The racial makeup of the city was 96.33% White, 1.49% Asian, 0.39% Black or African American, 0.21% Native American, ... няма негри... тюх ;)

а тук се очаква да работя.
ще използвам всяка възможност да поствам, така че проверявайте.

междувременно един американски приятел ми писа:

I don't know if you have heard the latest about the united states. They are planning to form a unified state with mexico and canada creating a super state. This country is fast moving down the track to world domination, and I want no part of that.

Етикети: , ,